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Initiative for an International Renewable Energy Agency

Energy Autonomy
Energy Autonomy.
The Economic, Social and Technological Case for Renewable Energy. Earthscan/James & James, December 2006.

Feed-In Tariffs - Boosting Energy for our Future
Feed-In Tariffs - Boosting Energy for our Future. A guide to one of the world's best environmental policies. World Future Council brochure, June 2007.



This section presents books and papers published by Hermann Scheer as well as the magazines Hermann Scheer is editing.

ode_2008_logo.jpgArticle published in the Ode Magazine (Special Copenhagen Edition), December 12, 2009


To unlock the economic and environmental benefits of renewable energy, dismantle the conventional power industry!

Humanity stands on the threshold of an era of unprecedented opportunities. In the past decades, many innovative new technologies have become available and affordable that can transform our current economies based on polluting fossil fuels into sustainable renewable energy economies. This transformation will provide millions of new jobs. It will halt global warming. It will create a more fair and just world. It will clean our environment and make our lives healthier. However, for all this positive change to happen, we don’t need an international climate treaty. We don’t need a Copenhagen Protocol, just like we didn’t need a Kyoto Protocol. In fact, these international attempts stand in the way of the progress almost all of us need.

Solar EconomyPublished in May 2004, Earthscan/James & James, 386 pages, ISBN 1-84407-075-1 

Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Global Future 

"The Solar Economy", by one of the world's most effective analysts and advocates, lays out the blueprints of how political, economic and technological challenges of sustaniable energy can be met using indigenous, renewable and universally available resources, and the enormous opportunities and benefits that will flow from doing so.

Joint Declaration for a European Directive to promote renewable heating and coolingEUROSOLAR/EREC Joint Declaration, April 7th, 2005

25 % of the EU heating and cooling supply by renewables in 2020 

Europe is at the forefront of renewable energy development worldwide and has significant experience in the formulation of proactive policy measures in this area.

EUROSOLAR/EREC Joint Declaration for a European Directive to promote renewable heating and cooling (pdf) EUROSOLAR/EREC Joint Declaration for a European Directive to promote renewable heating and cooling (pdf)

climate_action_logo.jpgArticle published in the Climate Action Book 2009 for the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, December 2009

Among the many myths about our energy supplies, one of the most insidious is the high price of renewables. If all energy alternatives are too expensive, the argument runs, then the world should continue on its course of dependence on fossil-based sources. In this article Hermann Scheer debunks this myth and explains why we must keep developing the renwables, describing how each affected industry can make the most of the new opportunities.

Solar ManifestoSecond Edition, published April 2005,  Earthscan/James & James,  272 pages. ISBN 1-90291-651-4.

Climate Change, pollution, deforestation, destruction of the ozone layer, poverty and the population explosion are all problems created or exacerbated by the use of conventional energy. Answers are now more urgently required than ever, and Hermann Scheer shows that this crisis may yet be reversed - but that this can only happen through a fundamental change in political and economic strategies, paving the way towards a global solar energy economy sustained by new social principles. This book champions the replacement of fossil and nuclear fuels with solar energy as a real solution to the threat to the environment and associated social consequences.

WCREEUROSOLAR/WCRE paper, October, 2004 

The continued increase of the use of Renewable Energies makes Nuclear Power superfluous

The depletion of the liquid oil and fossil gas reserves approaches. The climate change  caused by fossil fuel emissions has taken dramatic forms in the shape of ever often  occurring weather catastrophes with ever increasing impact in combination with their  resulting economic damage. The broad switch to Renewable Energies is overdue, combined with a tremendous reduction of energy consumption through consequent efficiency increase.

EUROSOLAR/WCRE campaign paper Renewable Energies instead of Nuclear Power (pdf) EUROSOLAR/WCRE campaign paper Renewable Energies instead of Nuclear Power (pdf)

logo german times.jpgArticle published in The German Times,           August 2008 

We can meet all our electricity needs with renewables

Producing nuclear energy is neither cheap nor safe. It’s time to pay more attention to alternative energies – and to promote them the way nuclear energy once was.
Around the world, there is much fanfare announcing the renaissance of nuclear energy. The International Energy Agency is even calling for the construction of 1,200 new nuclear power plants by 2050.