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Initiative for an International Renewable Energy Agency

Energy Autonomy
Energy Autonomy.
The Economic, Social and Technological Case for Renewable Energy. Earthscan/James & James, December 2006.

Feed-In Tariffs - Boosting Energy for our Future
Feed-In Tariffs - Boosting Energy for our Future. A guide to one of the world's best environmental policies. World Future Council brochure, June 2007.


(c) Heinrich BarteltTERIalumni Press Release, November 17th, 2006

Hermann Scheer, the member of the German Federal Parliament and Tulsi Tanti, Chairman and Managing Director of Suzlon Energy Limited have been with the The TERIalumni Award for Excellence – 2006. The Award has been instituted by The Terialumni Trust. Herman Scheer has been honoured with this Award in Recognition of his work dedicated to achieving a broad shift in the energy systems of the modern civilization: from fossil and nuclear resources to renewable energies. Tulsi Tanti received the TERIalumni Award for Outstanding Entrepreneurship in Energy-Environment Technologies 2006.

Hermann Scheer, a Member of the Bundestag, Member of the German House of Parliament since 1980 and President of EUROSOLAR and General Chairman of the World Council for Renewable Energy is known to be a very effective policy innovator and his ideas are sufficiently backed by good reason, thought and ideology.

He has been instrumental in bringing about following achievements:

- the fully implemented 100.000 photovoltaic solar energy roof programmed, the world’s first mass implementation program;

- the German Renewable Energy Act with 16.000 MW installed decentralized renewable energy capacity below 5 MW per installation (including 14.000 MW wind energy capacity, 40% of total world wind power installations); and full tax exemption for all biofuels, affording a lower price level for renewable fuels when compared to fossil fuels.

According to Scheer, in his own words: “My basic motivation has been, and still is, the compassion for social justice caused by a feeling that this is right. In addition, I fancied for myself not to become a mere private individual but to participate in developing and designing society”.

A Visionary, Philosopher, Theoretician and a Political architect – All combined in one, Hermann Scheer is credited with having drawn up the revolutionary one page law on renewable energy (Act on Feeding in Electricity) and to carry it through the German Bundestag in 1990. The implementation of the law has resulted in an incredible 200-300 percent yearly growth in wind energy in Germany, and implementation of the 100.000 solar roofs programme. The unique renewable energy law has made Germany the world leader in production of wind energy of nearly 19000 megawatts, almost 1/3rd of the world wide installations. His work has influenced thinking of many people including parliamentarians and politicians all over the World. They all believe that the Renewable Energy Sources are the only energy solution for the modern human civilisation.

He is the author of five famous books: The Stored Sun (1987), The Solar Age (1989), Solar Strategy (1993, published in eight languages), The Solar Economy (1999, published in 11 languages) and Climate Change. From the Fossil to the Solar Culture (2002). In addition, Dr Scheer has also authored more than one thousand articles.

The Award was presented to Hermann Scheer in New Delhi on November 6, 2006 by the Energy Minister of the State of Rajasthan, Mr. Gajaender Singh.

Tulsi Tanti, the Chairman and Managing Director of Suzlon Energy Limited (SEL) has demonstrated that widespread dissemination of renewable energy technologies can take place through a successful energy environment enterprise. As the Chairman and Managing Director of SEL, Tulsi Tanti has provided leadership and vision to SEL operations that resulted in development of some of the largest windfarms in the world.

Tulsi Tanti came up with a very successful initial public offering in 2005 to fund the SEL's expansion plans. The IPO, apart from raising the funds, also resulted in considerable increase in awareness on wind energy technology in the public domain.

Through his commitment to quality and customer support, Tanti has been able to raise SEL as the leading wind turbine manufacturer of the World, now ranked 5th.