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Initiative for an International Renewable Energy Agency

Energy Autonomy
Energy Autonomy.
The Economic, Social and Technological Case for Renewable Energy. Earthscan/James & James, December 2006.

Feed-In Tariffs - Boosting Energy for our Future
Feed-In Tariffs - Boosting Energy for our Future. A guide to one of the world's best environmental policies. World Future Council brochure, June 2007.


Media Coverage

Chicago Public RadioInterview broadcasted by Worldview Chicago Public Radio, March 2nd, 2007

Dr. Hermann Scheer, Member of the German Parliament, President of EUROSOLAR, the European Association for Renewable Energy; General Chairman of the World Council for Renewable Energy; Author of Energy Autonomy: The Economic, Social and Technological Case For Renewable Energy, on the Renewable Energy Revolution.

Interview "Germany: New Laws Spark Renewable Energy Revolution" (audio)

(c) Heinrich BarteltTERIalumni Press Release, November 17th, 2006

Hermann Scheer, the member of the German Federal Parliament and Tulsi Tanti, Chairman and Managing Director of Suzlon Energy Limited have been with the The TERIalumni Award for Excellence – 2006. The Award has been instituted by The Terialumni Trust. Herman Scheer has been honoured with this Award in Recognition of his work dedicated to achieving a broad shift in the energy systems of the modern civilization: from fossil and nuclear resources to renewable energies. Tulsi Tanti received the TERIalumni Award for Outstanding Entrepreneurship in Energy-Environment Technologies 2006.

Interview published in Inside Renewable Energy, November 16th, 2006

By Stephen Lacey, Peterborough, New Hampshire. A common criticism of renewable resources such as wind and solar is that they are intermittent - meaning that storage is necessary for times when the resources are not so plentiful. But Dr. Hermann Scheer, General Chairman of the World Council on Renewable Energy, says that the storage problem isn't as big as opponents of renewables make it. Dr. Scheer, who was also Chairman of the first International Renewable Energy Storage Conference held in Gelsenkirchen, Germany last month, tells us about the many techniques and innovations in the field of mass storage.

Interview published in FV Fotovoltaici, August 2006 

Il Professore Hermann Scheer, Presidente Eurosolar, Membro del Parlamento Federale Tedesco e Chairman del World Council for Renewable Energy, che da anni dedica la propria attività politica alla promozione delle energie rinnovabili e che nel 2002 è stato eletto “Hero or the Green Century” dalla rivista Time, ha partecipato al Convegno “La Città del Futuro” che si è tenuto a Roma il 24 maggio 2006. In quell’occasione il Prof. Scheer ha concesso una intervista alla ns. rivista sullo sviluppo della fonte solare fotovoltaica.

SBS Australia, Datelines TV programme, June 23rd, 2006 

In Australia, John Howard provoking a debate on nuclear power, politically motivated or not, has actually forced Australians to think about where they stand on the whole contentious issue of global warming. Here in Germany, they’ve already gone further than anyone in encouraging renewable energy – solar hydro, you name it – but at what cost? And what can we learn from the German experience? Dateline’s Chris Hammer reports.

TV programme "Germany's New Power" (video) 

Big Picture TV, May, 2006

Hermann Scheer argues that the reason why many still think renewable energy cannot replace fossil and nuclear power is because those working in these industries have made efforts to propagate the notion. Furthermore, a largely unsuspecting public seldom differentiates between a vested interest and an independent expert. Scientists and industrialists, dependent on nuclear and fossil fuel industries for their livelihoods, shun evidence that suggests a total shift to renewable energy is possible.

Interview published in Carta, April 3rd, 2006

Hermann Scheer, deputato nel Bundestag tedesco e presidente di EUROSOLAR sarà ospite il prossimo 1 aprile di Terra Futura, alla Fortezza da Basso di Firenze. Insieme a Stephan Kohler dell’Agenzia Energetica Tedesca, Eric Assadourian del World Watch Institute ed esperti italiani discuterà gli scenari energetici dei prossimi due decenni in Italia e nel mondo. L’”avvocato del solare” e uno dei padri della legge tedesca per le energie rinnovabili, si esprime a favore di una svolta decisa ed immediata verso le energie rinnovabili e critica le speranze nel metano come soluzione intermedia, il “carbone pulito” e l’idrogeno come tante strade sbagliate per tener in vita il sistema energetico esistente.

Article  Article "Le fonti rinnovabili contro le lobby nucleari" (pdf) |