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Initiative for an International Renewable Energy Agency

Energy Autonomy
Energy Autonomy.
The Economic, Social and Technological Case for Renewable Energy. Earthscan/James & James, December 2006.

Feed-In Tariffs - Boosting Energy for our Future
Feed-In Tariffs - Boosting Energy for our Future. A guide to one of the world's best environmental policies. World Future Council brochure, June 2007.


Media Coverage

guardian.gifArticle published in The Guardian, January 5th, 2008

The Guardian has nominated Hermann Scheer as one of the "50 people who could save the planet".

Hermann Scheer, 43, is the MP who persuaded the German government to get rid of nuclear power and invest heavily in renewables such as wind and solar power. As a result, in less than 10 years, Germany is heading towards selfsufficiency in energy.

Scheer_Autor02_Portrait_klein_quer.jpgThe Interview will be broadcasted in the framework of the BBC World Business Review on November 8th 2007 (6.30 am and 9.30am CET) and again on November 9th, 2007 (1.30am CET). The interview will also be available online.
dwworld_de.jpgInterview published on DW-WORLD.DE, December 1st, 2007

Hermann Scheer is a Social Democratic member of the German parliament. He is president of the EUROSOLAR organization for renewable energy and general chairman of the World Council for Renewable Energy.

qualenergia.jpgArticle published in QUALENERGIA ANNO V - N.4 SETTEMBRE-OTTOBRE 2007

La Germania, leader dello sviluppo tecnologico e normativo per la promozione delle energie rinnovabili, si trova oggi in un momento molto delicato. La coalizione rosso-verde del precedente Governo aveva deciso, nel 2001, con una legge molto ambiziosa, la dismissione progressiva di tutte le centrali di produzione di energia nucleare esistenti nel territorio della Repubblica federale tedesca.

Article published in Deccan Herald, July 20th, 2007

Bangalore: The time for conventional energy sources is over. With reserves down and consumption increasing, a situation is fast approaching where world peace is endangered. More nations are unable to meet their oil import bills. Shifting to renewable energy sources alone can bring energy independence. This warning was sounded by renowned policy Innovator and General Chairman of the World Council for Renewable Energy Dr Hermann Scheer, while delivering the keynote address at the two-day Solar India 2007, inaugurated here on Thursday.

Hermann Scheer at Solar India 2007Article published in Indian Express, July 20th, 2007

Slamming global policies related to the pursuing of renewable energy production, General Chairman of the World Council for Renewable Energy Dr Herman Scheer said that it was a mistake for countries to wait for global consensus on policies to be adopted to reduce the dependence on conventional energy sources.

Article published in The West Australian, June 7th, 2007

Hermann Scheer has a message for Australia. "There is no excuse," he says. "Not a single excuse for Australia not to adopt similar legislation." Dr Scheer, a member of the German Parliament, is regarded as the architect of Germany's energy feed-in laws, which encourage renewable energy production.