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Initiative for an International Renewable Energy Agency

Energy Autonomy
Energy Autonomy.
The Economic, Social and Technological Case for Renewable Energy. Earthscan/James & James, December 2006.

Feed-In Tariffs - Boosting Energy for our Future
Feed-In Tariffs - Boosting Energy for our Future. A guide to one of the world's best environmental policies. World Future Council brochure, June 2007.


Press Releases

WCREWCRE Press Release, November, 27th, 2005

... using structures of the fossil fuel industry
Swiss parliamentarian reveals energy data manipulations by the International Energy Agency (IEA)

On the occassion of the 2nd International Parliamentary Forum on Renewable Energies in Bonn, Dr. Hermann Scheer, President of the Forum and German member of parliament, declared: "The call for international support to solve the global energy crises is louder than ever". At the 2nd International Parliamentary Forum on Renewable Energies, parliamentarians from 50 countries agreed that the proliferation and application of renewable energies could only be reached through a separate new international institution.

WREA 2005WCRE Press Invitation, November 25th, 2005

How can the replacement of fossil and nuclear fuels by renewable energies be accelerated? On which way do we continue after the international governmental conferences of Bonn and Beijing?

European Solar PrizeEUROSOLAR Press Invitation, Bonn/Berlin, November 14th, 2005

Since 1994 EUROSOLAR has been awarding the European Solar Prizes to municipalities, companies, individuals using Renewable Energies, and to organizations who rendered outstanding service to the utilization of Renewable Energy. The European Solar Prizes are awarded by EUROSOLAR in cooperation with the KfW Förderbank. The winners of the European Solar Prizes are chosen among the applicants for the respective national Solar Prizes.

WCREWCRE Press Release, November 10th, 2005

...while postponing acting on national level 

“The UN system is inappropriate to vigorously push the mobilisation of renewable energy”, said Hermann Scheer, General Chairman of the World Council for Renewable Energy (WCRE).

WCREWCRE Press Release, October 24th, 2005

World Renewable Energy Assembly, November 26th to 30th, 2005 in Bonn/Germany

Mr Sigmar Gabriel, designated new German minister for the Environment, will hold his first programmatic speech on renewable energy at the World Renewable Energy Assembly (WREA) in Bonn.

World Renewable Energy Parliamentary NetworkWCRE Press Release, October 5th, 2005

2nd International Parliamentary Forum, Bonn/Germany, November 27th, 2005

The end of fossil resources is approaching, energy prices are rising, climate is changing: Renewable energies give the answer to these global challenges. Renewable energy technologies are just waiting to serve as a cost-viable and secure supply of electricity, warmth and fuels. The legislative framework is decisive for a global breakthrough towards renewables. Without clear and reliable laws, renewables cannot be brought quickly onto the markets, nor can a technology transfer to developing countries be secured.

WCREWCRE Press Release, September 16th, 2005

“World Renewable Energy Assembly”, November 26th to 30th, 2005

More than one year after the International Conference for Renewable Energies, “Renewables 2004”, the World Council for Renewable Energy strikes a disillusioning balance: The WCRE misses an effective realisation of Renewable Energies after the implementation of a large number of action programmes and declarations in favour of Renewable Energies.