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Initiative for an International Renewable Energy Agency

Energy Autonomy
Energy Autonomy.
The Economic, Social and Technological Case for Renewable Energy. Earthscan/James & James, December 2006.

Feed-In Tariffs - Boosting Energy for our Future
Feed-In Tariffs - Boosting Energy for our Future. A guide to one of the world's best environmental policies. World Future Council brochure, June 2007.


Memoranda & Papers

WCREWCRE paper, June, 2004

Future urban development with Renewable Energy: towards the global renewable energy habitat

The direction of modern urbanisation has reached a technological dead-end; the situation is extremely precarious, locally and globally. Global urbanisation has been fuelled by its dependency on cheap fossil fuel powered electrification and gasoline-powered transport systems. Now, as both fuel supplies approach their commercially attainable end, and it becomes apparent that almost three-quarters of man-made carbon emissions are derived from cities' fossil fuel consumption, all stops must be pulled out to go far beyond 'making cities
sustainable'. The challenge is no less than to rescue civilisation as we know it, and to avert the worst calamities.

Solar Habitat in Cities and Villages (pdf) Solar Habitat in Cities and Villages (pdf) 

WCREWCRE paper, June 15th, 2002

Considerations - The unfulfilled promise of the Agenda 21

Ten years after the "Agenda 21" resolution of the UN-Conference on Environment and Development in Rio - the Earth Summit - the ecological world crisis has become more and more critical. The proliferation of conferences has not led to improved environmental conditions, in spite of the given promise. The environmental conditions of most countries have worsened. The promise to inaugurate the age of "sustainable development" has not been kept. Quite obviously the methods and priorities have to be reviewed. We need new strategies of the Agenda 21 process on global environment and development.

WCREWCRE paper, June, 2002 

Formation of the Group of Renewable and Efficient Energy Nations (GREEN Nations)

Considering the importance of Sustainable Development; the importance of international agenda setting as a crucial factor for global awareness about the central challenges of world development; the lack of consensus about Renewable Energy in the World Summit on Sustainable Development process...

Formation of GREEN Nations (pdf)  Formation of GREEN Nations (pdf)

WCREWCRE memorandum, September, 2001 

Beyond the Kyoto Protocol: Renew the Climate Protection Strategy with Renewable Energy

The global phasing in of Renewable Energy technologies offers a comprehensive and uncomplicated solution. The time has come to adopt a new paradigm in saving the global environment. The Kyoto process is ready to be transformed from its present symptom-oriented and abstract basis to a more practical and solution geared approach. The World Council for Renewable Energy, founded in Berlin in June 2001, appeals to the participants of the World Climate Conference: to embark on a new path, and prioritize renewable energy in global climate protection campaigns.

Beyond the Kyoto Protocol (pdf) Beyond the Kyoto Protocol (pdf)

WCREWCRE paper, August, 2001

All people are entitled to pursue their desires for a world that is increasing in its bounty, improving in its health, and growing in its capacity to host life. Each person might wish that his or her presence on this Earth will leave it slightly better off than before. Yet the economic progress of the 20th century, based on fossil fuels and nuclear and large-scale hydro power, while advancing human society in many ways, also created a rising threat to those principles.

Why a World Council for Renewable Energy? (pdf) Why a World Council for Renewable Energy? (pdf)

WCREWCRE paper, July, 2001

Draft-Statute of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

The Contracting Parties shall establish an International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), hereinafter referred to as the agency, in accordance with the following provisions and conditions...

IRENA Draft-Statute (pdf) IRENA Draft-Statute (pdf)

WCREWCRE paper, June 13th, 2001

Draft for a Supplementary Protocol to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty of July 1st, 1970

The contracting states
 - in harmony with the fundamental aims of "Agenda 21", adopted at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, championing a sustainable economic and social development consistent with the conservation of natural fundaments of life;
 - considering the experience of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty which took effect on July 1, 1970;